Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Truth About the Drinking Water: BioRat Biochemistry Blog www.biorat.blogspot.com

The Truth About the Drinking Water: BioRat Biochemistry Blog www.biorat.blogspot.com


Our drinking water today, far from being pure, contains some two hundred deadly commercial chemicals. Add to that bacteria, viruses, inorganic minerals (making the water hard) and you have a chemical cocktail that is unsuitable (if not deadly) for human consumption. John Archer in his book 'THE WATER YOU DRINK, HOW SAFE IS IT ?' refers to an estimate of 60,000 tonnes of fifty different chemicals being deliberately added annually to Australia's water. Some of these are:

chlorine: studies1 indicate that chlorine is involved in heart disease, hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), anaemia, high blood pressure, allergies and cancers2 of the bladder, stomach, liver and rectum. Further, chlorine can destroy protein in the body and cause adverse effects on the skin and hair. The US COUNCIL of environmental quality states that  cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine". Chlorine binds and reacts with many other chemicals, forming carcinogens like Trihallomethanes3 (THMs), with chloroform being the most common one. Furthermore, recent real life evidence in the tap water of Sydney shows that certain viruses and parasites, like giardia and cryptosporidium, are being resistant to chlorine and can survive the long journey from the sewage treatment to your tap. That makes chlorination a even more pointless and dangerous practice.

Giardia and cryptosporidium are protosoa (unicellular organisms) parasitic to the intestines of animals and humans. Once in the body, these parasites then multiply and cause the respective infections of giardiasis and cryptosporidosis, which contribute or are associated to enteric (intestinal) diseases. Other than food, these parasites are transmited from contaminated drinking water.   These infested waters are today in most major cities which is a direct result of  the unsuccsessful treatment of recycled sewage effluent. These parasites initially venture their way into the sewage effluent, from Hospitals, abattoir and farms waste, which  contain blood, intestines and faeces.  While immunocompitend (the ability to develope an immune response) people may remain asymptomatic (presenting no symptons) by ingestion of this parasites, immunocompromised (ie malnutrition Cancer and Aids) patients are at risk.  U.S Health Officials estimate 900,000 people each year become ill, and possibly 900 die from waterborne disease4. Notable outbreaks occured in Milwauke, Wisconsin, in 1993 when over 400,000 people became ill after drinking water contaminated with the parasite. Symptoms associated with the infection of this parasites are, mild to profuse debilitating diarrhoea, lassitude, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting with consequent loss of appetite and fever. The threat and danger of outbreaks similar to the dreaded great London epidemic in 1854 (were cholera due to contaminated water took the life of many unaware citizens) is now once again at our door step and unless drastic precautions are taken on these early sign's we could be expecting disasters of great magnitude (in the apocalipse it states, that one third of the waters will be contaminated, could this be it?). For now it is about  time that water authorities admit to their erroneous ways and start looking for alternatives to maintain and preserve water safety and quality. Water is a living substance and as such it needs the same treatment as all other living forms (poisons can not purify). Germany has been for long now pumping oxygen in its rivers and lakes in an attempt to revitalise its nearly dead waters, while Switzerland is experimenting with ozone treatments.

aluminium sulphate: that is added to clarify water, has long been associated with memory loss, possibly Alzheimers disease and is believed to increase cardiovascular disease.

sodium fluoride: this is not a water treatment and was initially added as a supplement to 'assumingly' prevent tooth decay5 in children. Its toxicity is high enough that in larger concentrations can be used as a pesticide and rat killer. In humans it can be damaging to the heart, lungs, liver, cause genetic mutations and have long term negative effects on enzyme production and the efficiency of the immune system. In the medical encyclopedia and dictionary by Miller-Keane, under fluoridation it refers that slight excesses of fluoride are poisonous and it can cause dental fluorosis (mottled discolouration of teeth) and when you look up further down under fluorosis, you can see clearly the irony of the system an enamel hypoplasia resulting from prolonged ingestion of drinking water containing high levels of fluoride". Tests carried out in Victoria in 1976 by the State Water Supply Commission indicated that fluoride is involved in the corrosion of the copper pipes, which causes more poisons leaching into the water. Copper at certain concentrations effects the uptake of essential zinc in the body and can bring on stomach pain, nausea and diarrhoea. Newer office blocks and high stories buildings are more risky, as taps are not regularly used, leaving fluorinated water standing in the copper pipes for longer periods of times, consequently allowing corrosion. As the debate about the safety of fluoride continuous, countries such as Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Sweden have terminated its use due to its potential health hazard.

lead: is another chemical ingredient found in the water that imposes risks to the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. It is a teratogen, a substance known to cause physical defects in the developing embryo. Chronic exposure, even in small doses, may have serious implications to your well being. Symptoms to be wary of are irritability, nervousness, weight loss, anaemia, stomach crumps, constipation and mental depression. The main source of lead in the water is the plumbing and its corrosion.

The list of chemicals continues: sodium sillicofluoride slurry, sulphuric acid, sodium hypochlorite solution, calcium oxide, silt, rust, algae, debris, larvae, asbestos (mostly from corroding cement pipe lines), pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers (from agricultural run offs), moulds, fungi, industrial waste, toxic metals, amoebas, clay and silica have all found their way into the water. As if this is not enough, chemical reactions of the different constituents in our drinking chemical and sewage cocktail make things even worse.

Nitrates from fertilisers when brought in contact with chlorine and ammonia, can turn into nitrites. Nitrites once inside the body combine with amines and form nitrosamines which are highly carcinogenic. Nitrites can interfere with oxygen uptake and since babies are specifically sensitive to this aspect you could not fail to see a possible link between blue baby syndrome and the nitrite factor.

According to studies by the state of California, women who drink tap water have twice as many miscarriages and birth defects as those who have filtering devises or are drinking bottled water. Five studies arrived to the same conclusion, according to State Health, Director Kenneth Kizer. This connection now is such a common knowledge that it even  appeared as a passing comment during the movie 'ONE THOUSAND ACRES'.

Inorganic minerals (minerals not suitable for human consumption) such as calcium carbonate, have their effect. Unable to be assimilated they store in between joints, muscles, bones, nerves, inside arteries and become partners in many crippling dis-eases, such as arthritis, hardening of the arteries, gall stones, kidney stones, gout, tinnitus and perhaps even stroke and neuralgia. Dr Paul C. Bragg in his essay and book 'THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT WATER' argues that the human brain and other body structures will become hardened largely through the use of "chemicalized and inorganically mineralised water".

Dr E. Banik, in his book 'THE CHOICE IS CLEAR', explains that inorganic minerals coat the crystalline lens of the eye with a fine film, resulting in cataracts. Glaucoma, the dreadful eye disease, can be another result of hard water. The tiny vessels film up with mineral deposits, which results in a build-up pressure in the eye.

Note: Information provided here are for general knowledge purpose only. There is no guarantee of accuracy. For up-to-date and accurate information please visit relevant web site.

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